

She sings of love and the state of the heart, and conveys the truth of women that there is no need for pure love... We don't need such childish stories... Our emperor is still alive... Unlike you, he is not only looking for ideals... I want to convey to you the meaning of living in the present...


This is a joke... Animals show their love for us... We love you... This is what animals feel...


In soccer there is no "Who"... You are you... Everything is everything... It's all about how you live in this...

① First, find yourself...what and who you are...this is where football begins....

Main of ball

Game  ...  .  

Team characts

image  ...  

When playing soccer... now... everyone must have the same image of this "now"... these will be created in the future... attack or defense... which one is chosen at each time... ask this to the "ball"... the ball will answer you because the ball is the "master"... talk to the ball every day... forever and ever until the day it answers... it's about "volume"... it's atomic physics... it's also about space engineering. Let's pray to God until God resides in the ball...

The French system, which is based on the concept of "Real Madrid" soccer, is a system that links players with the pass that "does & washes" their destiny, and continues to "swango" the content of "dis"... It means "Fine Greats" and performs modern ballet of "1&2-clocks"... It is pure and simple soccer, and performs a dance that changes your life into happiness...

Campaign Girl

damal  ...  

"Damal" is silence...I brush my teeth silently...Recently, I've been brushing my teeth with a tooth-whitening sponge...We can talk...I'm happy that whitening is an easy task...We pray together...We play "soccer" together...We "whiten our teeth"...It's a story about soccer balls....

The Vienna Convention must be observed worldwide... The purpose is to play a memorable and memorable match, so cooperation between the two is also necessary... No dangerous plays are allowed... The game is played calmly, with gentlemen and ladies in mind...

Vienna Ordinance

The Vienna Ordinance, created for the purpose of protecting culture and civilization, serves to protect the values ​​of citizens... It is not a sin... Our freedom is eternal and cannot be sacrificed for the present... It is an excuse and an explanation... It is God who forgives sins, not us... The Vienna Ordinance's purpose is to "ratify" these things... Therefore, the world will no longer be confused... By ratifying the Vienna Ordinance, the values ​​of all citizens will continue to be protected...


Hartis, the origin of plants... is the fundamental principle that governs the ecosystem of human life on Earth... We can never reject or oppose this...

It is impossible to slander society and prove oneself by expressing one's character as someone who has a history of royal or imperial family origins... It is impossible to control society forever by claiming to have a backing from the Chinese or British palaces... There will never be a hardline communism that can win discriminatory dictatorship by "treacherous people" who betray everything...


The Vienna Ordinance continues to protect the citizens...There is no mechanism for citizens to approve malicious acts...It is a cowardly nature to beg the citizens for your misdeeds....

"Lady" is a "divisible integer" that cannot be "straightforwardly transformed"... A woman is "ready" and continues to prepare in advance... Source in case of ' eternal = 1 ' of, equal ec in of ' eternal = 0 '... A woman is one who continues to contradict the advance....


Individuals will continue to protect their personal rights and interests through democracy... The economy will be realized through "relative integrity theory"... We cannot reject or deny "publication," the nature of the current public service that inherits the public palace theory that VOCs... We will forever respect and honor the "public" of society...

In other words... Until today, this is the result... Until you... You must abide by the Vienna Ordinance... Because we cannot see tomorrow... There is no way that citizens can accept such a scandal...

Love me too

In the case of dictatorship, which discriminates against democracy, you cannot give rights to others... You are already giving your own rights to others... You are discriminating against democracy... Therefore, it is defined as dictatorship... You are the right of yourself alone... It is a dictatorship....

他人の事は関係がないのが独裁主義です ... . 

Authoritarianism is when other people's affairs don't matter...

民主主義を差別するあなたですので ... 民主主義からは離れて下さい ... . 民主主義へ御興味のないあなたは 民主主義集会へ参加する意義はありません ... 御自宅にお戻り下さい ... Love me too . 

You discriminate against democracy... so please stay away from democracy... If you are not interested in democracy, there is no point in you participating in a democracy rally... Please go back home... Love me too.

逃避するあなたは 自宅で静養する務めがあります ... 精神と心理を未だ不備あります ... 社会で生きる力を御自宅で蓄えて下さい ... ウィーン条例をお守り下さい 市民をお守り下さい ... . 

You who are fleeing have a duty to rest at home... You are still lacking in mind and psychology... Please gather the strength to live in society at home... Please obey the Vienna Ordinance and protect the citizens....

「あなたには勝てないのか ... 」なる言葉は 差別独裁主義です ... 始祖する始祖時代での物語です ... 勝てる勝てないではない すでにわたしはここにる ... これが「始祖なる始まり」です ... ゆえに あなたも「始祖」となり続けます 永遠に ... . 

The words "Can't I win against you..." are discriminatory dictatorship... This is a story from the time of the founders... It's not a question of whether I can win or not, I am already here... This is the "beginning of becoming a founder"... Therefore, you too will continue to be a "founder" forever...

永遠超億万年の時の流れの中では 今なる今日は 永遠に「始祖」となり続けます ... いつでも いつまでも 「始祖」であり続けます ... . 

In the flow of time that stretches back billions of years, today will forever remain the "ancestor"...it will always remain the "ancestor"....

ジジラは「ゴジラ」へ委ねましょう ... .

Let's leave Jizilla to Godzilla...