What is the potential.??


Why do you reason of animative.??

Niimizuma seeks a form of contribution to the region... Promotion of Miyazaki... This requires "unification of supporter groups" as a prerequisite... We will accept reports that there will be results... .

The theoretical support index plan for the current relief measures for Japan, based on "partnership between the capital Tokyo and Soo Kagoshima", is a plan to prevent the collapse of the principle due to tampering... Insiders and outsiders will be eradicated...


Venice Soo

Fapla Flex has had a plan from the beginning to promote Sueyoshi, Kagoshima, as the "face" of modern Japan....The plan is to sell the whole of Japan to the world with the face of Sueyoshi, Kagoshima....There are so many good things in Japan, and the world is eagerly awaiting them....

This is also my original idea for the Internet World Wide Web, and is part of "Set Cross," which aims to be a "trusted portal site"...


You are all aiming for sovereignty, but I, as a servant, do not understand what that means....

Dark Cellos

When we think about and form political policies to break through the current situation, many things converge on the self, and some people try to transform these individual abilities into their own phase by intervening in the principles... We are still living in this kind of environment today....


The cause of the collapse of a nation and society due to the disregard of social ethics is the lack of morals, and the public bruise caused by a sense of ethics that ignores social education... Early childhood education cannot be given to citizens of society....

There are some perverted people who are even pursuing the responsibility of the president of the nation as a citizen of society... They are having an incomprehensible social hallucination and are unable to grasp the current situation... They do not even show understanding that this is a web blog...


There are people who even appropriate personal characteristics for profit... They are the ones who ring individuals and control all aspects of the legal system for profit... There is no such thing as private political administration, and social ethics have been largely entrusted to the royal court... It is an ideological act without principles, and the judicial system assesses social ethics based on the personal royal court feeling...

There are those who even assert the principle of "real rights" in the topological dimensional ratio with discriminatory dictatorship, and the current Japanese Emperor system is greatly distorted... The "premise work" of asserting this illusory topological reality and forcing it on the people is a dictatorship of discrimination not only in constitutional government but also in ideology... It is the coercion of "imaginational abnormality," and in order to avoid this, the topological dimensional ratio must be raised to "140"... The current situation is assuming a "90"... .


The unethical morality of using violence to misappropriate the rights and authority of others for profit and to commit fraud and blackmail against the person in question has no judicial power at all... The legal system as a whole is in a state of ethical misappropriation, and "situational manipulation" is the subject of self-interest... The misappropriation of profits based on the principle of relationships... These are people who have transferred the object nature of love between men and women to themselves... Impotence is manipulated into an obstacle, and they demand profit money, with no awareness of overlapping rights... Ethical and moral violations resulting in multiple debts... It is a profit-making system that misappropriates reconstruction and funds itself... Betrayal of trust, disguising gender...

National Secrecy Act

If the National Secrecy Law is regretted to this extent, its meaning has been meaningless from the beginning... It is a policy to manipulate the masses to profit from disclosure, and it will become an Emperor system that demands money for secrecy... The Imperial Family must not be opened up, it is a fundamental principle...

"Logical inversion"... exchanging profit for self-interest....

Silentive exchange

There is no point in forever making logical inversion a social status... The self itself is different from the value of profit... Being laughed at is not profit... By laughing, one's self-interest continues to be lost... By staging a comedy stand-up comedy act, if the performer continues to laugh at it, one will lose oneself... It will never be possible to profit from the "wisdom" of logical inversion...

Currently, I feed stray cats... They are intelligent stray cats... They never profit from the citizens... They know their place....


There is no ideological significance in forcibly appropriating the training of the character and personality of social citizens and establishing oneself as Emperor and Empress... because positions cannot be exchanged... The Crown Prince cannot become Emperor, he will become a monarch who is in a stalemate... Even this is not even the case in the current Japan, which is not a constitutional government, and from the beginning, there was no intention to actually establish the position of Emperor, and they are already aware of themselves...

The "Don Baba" of the "Donobaba Village" here in Soosueyoshi is on the same level as the "Yamato Imperial Court", the founding father of the current Japanese nation... .

Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to understand this... It seems easy, it's simple... There is even a "Don Baba Team" in the United Nations... This is an amazing story... .

Donvava Amazing

The social topological science theory that is the basis of school education and social education has already reached its limit, and we cannot continue to make any more demands on public and private sectors... The reality is... Even in this solar system, we are still at the stage of 2025 AD... The reality is that even if you plan to make a profit, it will be almost a waste...

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