Unique to the world.!!
King nation
The impression in the original Japanese is a great emotion that makes you feel the ages, and also a mystery of the Far East... We admire the great West, and are happy to have the ingenuity to blend Japan's unique traditions into it... .
In Korea, there is also the Korean Arirang, and recently there has been a trend to wear these dressy clothes as Japanese clothing... It is a way to dress up kimonos with a Western feel, and it is inevitable that they can become everyday clothing... .
In China, the costume of the Heavenly Emperor is dressy, eternal, and contains elements that can represent the unchanging universe... It can be said that Japanese clothing should evolve into an unchanging universe by skillfully applying these designs.. .
Theory of response... King Wendy, who is the wind, wishes to have a theory in this response... Wednesday British universal philosophy is also the nation of King Wendy... .
King Wendy can go anywhere in the world... He has visited various places on this earth, including Vienna and Peru... .
It is also the spatial dynamics of the object system and forces functions... It is also a life soul called the space cell, and has the power to take charge of the entire planet... .
Naturally, even this Flexfapla, which is one body, can become one with the planet... This earth planet and I are already one body... .

Exercising the right to remain silent
If we do not continue to exercise our right to remain silent, malicious psychology will be revealed one after another... It is unnatural to maintain the current global political situation as it is...
The fact that it is a triple-corner crime must be hidden by silence... Clearly, this social triple-corner crime is prevalent and is associated with anti-nationalism... .
The King's Theory is a work of art, not yesterday's thesis... It will continue to change tomorrow... .
Silence is necessary for these protected opinions... .
Questions and questions are submitted by the public... .
Visual objects must be linked to the world... These are not intended for the people living in the country... The narcissism of new ideology has already collapsed, and from now on, the King's Theory must be one that looks at the blue universe and blue space... .
Responce is silentive nation all

Ladys & Gentlemen of normal style
The royal family must continue to accept the truth about the royal family... They must not hypocritically state great and general principles... The royal family is destined to have its own tragedies... The royal family is a society that suffers even greater emotional pain than general tragedies... They tend to make themselves eternally miserable through unimaginable fantasies and delusions... They become irritated at not being normal... They begin to think that everything is unfortunate...
It is unnatural for ordinary people to think of royal families....
It is natural for people to be wealthy, and we have no desire to exchange huge amounts of wealth that denies even individuality...
Even gold, silver, and copper are individuals...
There is no copper coin to exchange for the gold coins possessed by vile people...
Even a cheap diamond, even a small diamond, can bring huge wealth...
Even paper money can become a huge fortune...
The principles of society cannot be entrusted to individuals...
You appeal to individuals to accept your opinion as a deviation from the principles of society...
You continue to state that society should exist according to your own essence...
The principles of society cannot be entrusted to individuals forever...

Peace set
Flexible... A coward who flaunts his prior knowledge and uses his questions to develop a sense of superiority will end up becoming a dirty person who only desires cowardice... Questioning can only be normal... It will continue to be a general course... If you do not understand the parliamentary system early, you will end up only disagreeing with interpretations... Questioning is a crime of sedition, disagreeing is a crime of rebellion, so you will never be able to attend parliament. This is the "blue universe"...
If you want to respond, you must follow the principles of a king or queen... If you try to practice the king or queen in a relative way, it will be impossible even after 16 billion years... Even in a relative way, the style of a king or queen is impossible....
Treason...It is never possible for a king to become independent because of these high treason crimes....
You cannot style a king or queen in general terms....
The king of Tarot... This is the world of fairy tales... There is also a universe called Poem, who lives alone in the world of fairy tales in his room... Rather than being active outdoors, they choose to be isolated alone in their rooms and are topologically dimensioned in the virtual world of fairy tales... .
Because they hate becoming worse, they choose to escape one after another and create imaginary virtual worlds that do not exist in this world... For the current human race on Earth, it is also a famous creation in the fantasy world of Harry Potter, a world of fairy tales where the virtual is an imaginary space and principles are acted upon... .

Ballancive make
Takuro Yoshida, who pioneered the world of Japanese fairy tales, is a solitary Japanese hero who was the first in the world of folk songs to write about love between men and women... When looking at the history of Japanese music, his courage is particularly noted, and he achieved the amazing feat of bringing love between men and women into the world of Japanese music, overturning the world of folk music up to that point...
Those of you who aim to be the sovereigns of society have made vicious, malicious and evil statements, and have ended up shouldering all of that evil... You are trying hard to erase the damages, estimated to be a total of 8 quadrillion trillion yen, by taking responsibility for yourself... .
All of these are reckless methods of acquiring rights, and you instantly choose to escape and betray this responsibility... .
From the safety of escaping, you will eventually return to the starting point of abandoning your initial responsibility, and we ask for your help in preventing this continuous chain of self-destruction and bankruptcy... Even the reckless Bodhisattva Tathagata has been phase-converted and a proxy religion has been fabricated... .
We are unable to balance this phase... Therefore, Fapla Flex will continue to play this role... Please, please, we ask for your cooperation... .

Educative social knowledge make
The music "Let's Get Married" can even have a positive effect on topological forms, and contributes to the formation of the truth that everything is bright and praised... This literature of praise, "Homarel," is thought to be the starting point of the future phase... .
The excellent point of Japanese music is that it is the solution to social instability that marks the final end of the world... It has even given birth to excellent Russian literature such as "Praised"... As can be seen in "Happy Birthday to you," the truth that every day is a birthday is discovered for all women... .
The music, translated into English as "Let's Get Married," actually means "with me please," and is a by-product of the time spent making the movie "Melody of a Little Love." It is characterized by the fact that it is sung in Japanese. At this point, Japanese had not yet become the world's standard language, and the string of unfamiliar words was a kind of oriental magic that everyone found puzzling. The melody is American folk, and it is a type of music that is still popular across the United States today. Even in Europe, people would smile at the little dreams of young boys and girls who are familiar with "Melody of a Little Love." The advantage of folk songs being able to express a general public appeal is that they are well-balanced, so they can counterbalance any negative effects at the origin.

Movie make
It is difficult for the heavens to balance the current scandals... Even Narus has already gone bankrupt... The losses are so huge that no one can ever make the Freedom Ridge that would compensate for them...
At this point, it is not possible to exercise sovereignty and authority over the current Japanese nation through discriminatory dictatorship....
We have finally achieved an eternally peaceful Japan...History will give us great praise for this...We have finally been able to establish an eternally peaceful Japan on 2025/02/04/02/10.tue, despite the difficulties...On behalf of the national security forces, including the Japan Self-Defense Forces, I would like to express my gratitude to you all...Honored Homarel...Contribution to everything...(Her Majesty the Empress).
Until today and from tomorrow
Takuro Yoshida, one of Japan's leading musicians, has lived in Hiroshima and Kagoshima in the past, and is a modern hero who sings folk songs with a guitar in hand...His music is known around the world, and even has a global feel that speaks for the psychology of African youth...Please come to Africa...I'm sure he will be given a grand welcome by African enthusiasts.... (from by Afirican mothers teacher)