Simple is best.!!



Kindergarten - where children gather in groups... It's okay if they are a little retarded...

There is no such thing as a childish attitude towards kindergarten... This is the result of the rebellion and treason of the major opposition alliances in Japan today... Shifting the blame to others... It was also the main topic of the 1960 Security Treaty and continues to violate the rules... It is a disorganized society that is not aligned...

his comedy is a blend of slapstick and sentimental infant

Children do not shift the blame to others... The current opposition alliance in Japan will inevitably do 10 billion times more "child training" from now on... Improve Ibari with effort... Because there are no children who behave Ibari in kindergarten...

To improve Ibari, we must assume that we are different... that we are different from everyone else in kindergarten... that we are not the same childish nature... .

Everyone is different... we cannot play the same... we must spend a day in this kindergarten society... playing alone is about realizing that this is training for independence... to be able to do anything on one's own, to be able to play alone, to be able to go through society alone all day... to know that this is not about playing with everyone... therefore, we must do our own way... in the sandbox, I continue to mold the emptiness of karma, the idea of ​​being unparalleled... something that no one understands, something that only I can understand... this is the meaning of Buddhism... .

Other people and I are different... .


Gover house

The people of today's Japan who are being called "Ibari" are lacking in "self-restraint"... I think that those of you who are probably knowledgeable about a different world are criticizing the existing national character of the established Japanese people in the same way as Yukio Mishima... The Temple of the Golden Pavilion - It is impossible to read this novel. It is a novel that can only be read... I can only read it... It is also the lament of Yukio Mishima...

The members of the opposition alliance to the current Japanese state are those who are interpreting things, and a considerable number of them continue to rebel against the current Japanese state... Anyone who interprets things will naturally express their opposition.... A society that has nothing but understanding is a "kindergarten"....

Space science

If we are to take Buddhism seriously and sincerely, we must progress and evolve ourselves into the "universal system"... advance into a different world... be a different, different being... become a person who can be recognized by the Buddha...

Buddhism continues to transform the theory into gain, no matter what... All of you who have misunderstood the Great Buddha and lived through both good and bad times will now be told to practice Buddhism a hundred billion times harder... You will have to work a hundred billion times harder... Even this is considered "attainment" and "achievement" in Buddhism... It is a blessing... We all live like this... I am one of them... I have to work a dizzying trillion times harder... The effort to become an ordinary human being is a harsh and difficult endeavor that you cannot even imagine...


The phase space dimension shaped in System Matic will take the form of "Comprehension"... It is a time form called "High Phase Space Dimensional Theory Prime" and it can be predicted that this solar system space is already showing the appearance of "High Phase System Prime"... It is also a wonderful space and will move in the direction of complete perfection....


Regarding the science of Infant the theory of spatial dimension ratio of topological systems, it is impossible to theoretically examine an unclassified multilateral management system... I have already graduated from the distributed processing thinking system Google, and it is impossible to theoretically examine the reality at this stage... Since we are now moving to the theory of spatial dimension of topological systems, the theoretical examination will be in the form of an "independent thought form" like the unitary "Mori drug sales method"... In other words, it is an amusement-like idea... It is a method of setting the market as a park... .

In order to think about the "Japanese Imperial Palace", one must be able to "self-sense" the topological dimension ratio of "Guilin"... It is also an entertainment art system called "broadcast" and "227"... Truth... If the people of Japan today adopt a comparative distance recognition system that exchanges phases with me, it will be a logic that reflects the principles of a fairly high topological system... It is also a theory of another dimension, and you will be hallucinated and will not understand your own thoughts... Silence will be advantageous, and by thinking about the reason, internal conflicts can be eliminated... An existence of perverse sovereignty... This is the "abnormal turmoil" that is caused by this... .


There is no way that betrayal can reform the structure of society... Even the current "national administrative and financial reform processing system" of Japan is already incapable of doing so... It has no meaning... It is such a topological non-existence that Aum Shinrikyo cannot support the nation... No one can support it... That is the situation we are in...

If you don't already "understand" it, you won't be able to deal with reality...


It is not eternal in just one thing... Not everything is true only in Aum... The dimensions are still deep, and even Comprehension is still at the "Infant" dimension... The phase is still moving to higher dimensions. Childish arguments cannot bring the present into a theoretically correct chain. It is impossible for a mindset that is not even in kindergarten to theoretically bring the present nation and society into a theoretically sovereign state...

Please move to "neoliberalism" as soon as possible... There is no way that this "neo-socialism" that only praises me can support itself... Even the current Diet cannot support it....


"Playing cards" is not something that can be done by illusion... Infants can do anything by themselves... This early childhood curriculum must be established as soon as possible...

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