This incomprehensible group that supports and supports the transformation of profit-making into a national social duty continues to reverse-convert ideals into impossible... It is because they lament their wastefulness, and logic continues to be endlessly legislated... It is also the ancient Inca system that endlessly abolishes theory by legislating waste, and tends to prescribe logic... The realization of a failed society... It is also a discriminatory nationalism that makes reality impossible by setting regulations infinitely high, and continues to assume that logic is impossible... They are also people of the universal principle of immigration, and freedom continues to be assumed to be impossible...

Meaning and significance
The crime of embezzlement has given rise to claims for compensation for damages of 20 million yen or 200 billion yen, and in today's modern society, it continues to be pointed out as an impossible act of bad administration due to the neoliberal economy and Freedom Ridge... The same is true for public institutions, and national compensation for damages will continue to be claimed from the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Finance, who is in charge of government finances... Private local finance systems are under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister in the District Court and District Public Prosecutor's Office, and liability protection is entrusted to individuals depending on the status of business execution... The topological fraud that assumes that citizens are the state's affairs will lead to claims for compensation for damages of 200 trillion yen... I am a member of the "NALS SYSTEM" LLC" and a participant in American economicism, I cannot imagine the harm or damage that would be caused in Japan today... This challenge to neoliberalism, which has no such assumptions, is clearly the result of the inability to realize socialism, and the dependency on the liberal United States is beginning to be pointed out... There are some Japanese people who are obliged to accept the theory of exclusively defensive self-destruction as the theory of exclusively defensive defense, which is incomprehensible... This is because they are binding their ideals too tightly, and it would be better to regulate society more loosely... Employees continue to work hard on vacations, and even on holidays they come to work... Loose regulations keep society vibrant... A democracy that delegates and transfers can create a democratic social environment in which citizens can be active and healthy... There is no need to remember "RIMPAC/the theory of exclusively defensive defense"... This is the role of me, "Flexfapla"... the rim...
We are Flexfapla, a theoretical translator of the essence of heaven, and we are doing business with the principles of this earth...
I am not inviting you to a party to create a blog in my room... Investgate is not inviting you to join in creating my blog or music in my room...

Say call feel
Some people make incredibly spiteful and malicious remarks... "I am not responsible for what I say, but the people who listen are responsible..."
In elections, when a politician makes a speech in which he or she boasts about "getting rid of rats," it is a challenge to the principles of the politician who won the election, a shifting of responsibility, and is meaningless as an "example" of a self-centered, discriminatory, dictatorial ideology... Forcing the burden of getting elected on the citizens of society will be an eternal disgrace for the politician....

Listenning table
There is no such thing as a powerful, discriminatory, dictatorial guest of honor who can realize a banquet of peaceful and evil jokes... An invited guest cannot become a guest of honor at a banquet... Uninvited people who make discriminatory remarks without permission and without ceasing to do so against a guest of honor is violence... We are no longer in a time when violence in the ideology of war can be tolerated at a civil banquet... You cannot enter someone else's house without permission and forcefully acquire powerful rights and privileges... When the main medium of the relationship principle is remote communication, the main principle is this medium principle....
In the second grade classroom, "everyone is a hero"... It is a participation game that gives freedom to each other by recognizing each individual's characteristics and special features as friends... My friends who created "dodgeball" each have their own personalities and have named their special features in various ways... This is a true sport... Everyone is a hero...
Bait Investigation
"Baid Investigation" is also "Pretension"... It is also a drama of arresting a criminal based on a presumption, and is called "Bait Investigation"....

The Empress ultimately bears social responsibility... Therefore, the Imperial Family desperately tries to make the High Commissioner a political voice...
As an old man, an elderly man will accept all the negligence of society as an old man... Therefore, it is impossible to compare and increase the essential mass of the "Le-seace body" that balances the constitution... It is also "smoking training" that switches unsaturated to pure, and this "pure formation" is impossible for those who give up smoking... Furthermore, it is "physical training to make fat bodies transparent"... It is also anaerobic sleep training and "oxygen ability formation" that allows you to dive in seawater for long periods of time... These are republican liberals with innate military training cell genes, and in reality, it is necessary to "make a psychological contract with the cells of your body"... Furthermore, you must be able to calmly carry out even the volume process of a super-differentiated space... You must be able to achieve the principle of "resuscitation and reswelling" that can separate spaces... It is also "molecular space flight technology"... .

Center post fake
There is no such thing as socialism in which the empress necessarily takes the center position...
If the defendant is a "stateless person" ... there can be no right for the Chair ... these will continue to be "stateless persons" in the "General Assembly" ....

Le-seace raw
The Constitution protects constitutional government... What it vindicates is discriminatory dictatorship... No one can vindicate the Constitution...
"Botamochi" refers to the entrance examination for the Nakano Military Academy... "Kindness to people..." These are the things that seal the "admission"....