その愛らしい瞳を わたしは妃だとは見出せない
あなたの素直な姿に わたしは国をも見出せない
あなたの思えていることを わたしは見えないでいる
どうか お願いだから その悲しみを偽りとしてくれるなら
わたしは あなたを きっと抱きしめられる
その時まで わたしは空へと飛立つ
学びのために あなたを愛するために
いつか必ず すべてを救う その時まで ...
I can't see your lovely eyes as a princess
I can't see your country in your honest appearance
I can't see what you're thinking
Please, I beg you, if you can pretend that your sadness is a lie
I can embrace you for sure
Until then, I will fly into the sky
To learn, to love you
Until then, I will surely save everything someday...
Murderer - Yang Guifei -
The status of the "Murderer" queen is the highest, and ordinary people do not know about this social common sense... Hairstyle... The origin of the hairstyle remains... .

Being and reality
You must make "reality" your own...
Do not set yourself the ideal of "Being"....
Because we pretend pre, that pri is the something, we does not exist ...
We are we, I know ... .

The reason we practice "Cosmicism" today is to organize reality, and the dis... Even now, everything is beginning to be organized... The Horses are very excellent... They always guide us... The Horse Hartis... always handles the load...
The Vienna Convention, which protects culture and civilization, is not being followed... Perhaps it is because people are too enthusiastic, and their will to follow the world is fading... "Limario" is a girl who imitates the boy "Romario"... "SZA" in Europe is also a girl... "Susa" in Japan is a boy...

It is important to have a theme...
Some people are misusing the theory of male-female relationships, and the civilization and culture of the region is declining... Even "gohome," the greatest fundamentalism in the universe, is not being respected... The current situation in the regions is quite difficult...
Believe only ... the simple.!!

We are promoting the "Let's think of Junko as Yang Guifei" campaign... She is a kind and special person who can divide society equally... You and I are the same human being... You are not the only one who is an ugly duckling or a "good kid"...
Faplaflex is a democratic space fundamentalist party... Currently, the majority party adheres to the law of kindness and love...

The "greedy old man" is also referred to as the "ugly duckling" and a "girl"... He is also referred to as a "boy"... He continues to ask society for nursing care and welfare... The current social laws are quite difficult, and some people advocate maintaining the status quo... The replacement of political philosophy with political policy... National politics also say that the theory of social citizenship is impossible... It is not easy, and even a strict spirit is required to live in this present time...
Now that "maintaining the status quo" is the political philosophy, we must not shift responsibility to our friends, acquaintances, or fellow citizens... From the very beginning, everything is democratic, and the party with the largest number of votes becomes the ruling party... Therefore, there are no responsibilities or rights, including mine... The strong do not even have rights...

In this difficult society, you are all cheerful and bright... You are all wonderful people... You live your days cheerfully without any regrets... All of Superman... In this world of joking social rules, we can become exhausted at times... It can also get cold... You still can't remember what has happened up until now... The role of this "connectivity pulley" is handled by Faplaflex... A rim that no one else can do... It is something that only I alone can do, and it is a public service that can only be entrusted to one person... Everything is cheerful and bright... Heaven is smiling... .
Become the strongest person in this world... and obey everything... You need a strong will to make everything peaceful....
The people here in Japan and in Soosueyoshi, Kagoshima Prefecture are not the "Murder of Yang Guifei" of the Forbidden City in China... We are currently running a "Let's think of Junko as Yang Guifei" campaign... You and I are the same human being... You are not the only "ugly duckling"...
Yang Guifei is the most beautiful woman in China...

Source in of eternal = 1

ec in of eternal = 0
Women are contradictory in both cases... They are divisible integers that combine eternal = 1 & eternal = 0... To become a human being, one must have love in one's heart. One must have pure love and a pure heart...