


America, the land of freedom...

Wealthy America...

That is to govern the lead the lead a peaceful global world...that is what America does....

This is not an America that cannot distinguish between right and wrong... This is not an America that cannot distinguish between right and wrong...

Back Ground

El buen verde de nuestra patria nos da unas alegres vacaciones para relajar nuestras mentes... En el Lejano Oriente, la República Popular Democrática de Corea... Tiene la misma mentalidad que Estados Unidos... Todavía no somos conscientes de ello, y también es porque hay muchas razas y pueblos diferentes en esta tierra... Debemos resolver estos problemas de ahora en adelante... Lo mismo ocurre en el universo... La humanidad, incluso los extraterrestres, necesitan desprenderse de sus formas especiales...


El jefe máximo en Ganging es "Español"... Hablaré del jefe con un estilo distintivo... Es amor... y corazón... Nuestro dolor está en "Ganging" y necesitamos chistes para hacer que el humor sea único... Siempre vivimos juntos... Mi hija, tú también eres mi niña....

The top boss in Ganging is "Spanish"... I will talk about the boss with a distinctive style... It is love... and heart... Our pain is in "Ganging" and we need jokes to make the humor unique... We always live together... My daughter, you are also my little girl....


Porque siempre hay amor... llega al corazón... y a la gente... El catolicismo es único y hace el cielo azul....

Because there is always love... it reaches the heart... and the people... Catholicism is unique and makes the sky blue....

Last Queens of the Zeer

"Heados" is the passion of the Lotte baseball team... This year, Lotte is aiming to win the championship...

Time duke

① "Impression" comes first to the head...

In the morning, the brain awakens.... The brain and body are regulated by the natural morning.... This is the Amazonian style....


② "Judgment" is entrusted to the body...

They integrate themselves into the ground as natural life forms... "movements"... this is the way of life in the Amazon....


③Please start practice at 10:00 a.m.

Your speed will increase to an unbelievable extent... You will be able to catch a liner to the left field in time when playing right field... You will be quick... This is the "key"...


The people of Japan today are not good at "&"... "and"... If you add H it becomes "Hand"... If you get B it becomes "Band"....

B is the Solution... If you have a psychological contract, your body will move naturally... Let it be natural... Make it obedient and obedient... "Bunt" with the reaction of your body... .

It changes depending on the target... This is a bunt for a left-handed batter, performed by the pitcher representing Oonejime Town... You can "bunt and run" on the inside high pitch....  the controle  ...  .