Maybe the wind is blowing?

Dad thinking of unknown

Mami of unknown

Milky of all yes
Maybe it's because the wind is too strong
New York is a city of music lovers, where the latest trends are actively created... It is also a city where creators from around the world gather, and lively interactions take place late at night...

Shortwave and web communication is a creative space for music and art lovers...Give and take are taking place enthusiastically, and global trends are being created....
My contacts are with friends and acquaintances...
Understanding and Interpretation
Unfortunately, your knowledge alone cannot make all this peaceful... To make all this peaceful requires belief in many principles... There is no single personality....
This today's web blog means of, Mamy of Mamy friends, Milky is milk boy ... all of yes, the dad is unknown ... .
Meaning must be followed by something that matches the "content"...Your meaning must have your own content...You, who preside over everything, are a discriminatory dictatorship...You will not receive support from anyone....
In today's information society, there are many different types of contact... There are many different types of subjection... There are still people who lack the ability to speak... We are still living in this world...

It is impossible to imagine that there are citizens in the current year of 2025 who are unable to behave as social citizens... To make these things exist on the premise is therefore eternally meaningless... We are not living by assumptions...
Japan has a high reputation for "high school soccer"... It's the kind of soccer that world superstars aspire to...
Maybe the wind is blowing?
経済という話 ... .
世界のスーパースターは 高いレベルで理想のサッカーを目指されています ... .
ゆえに わたし達底辺は 新たな経済サッカーを生み出せるチャンスです ... 明るく楽しい 朗らかなサッカーを世界経済できえます ... .