Love me back.!!
Love me too
My love remains the same... This country cares about me... The style of this country is me... I will send messages of love and heart to all of this country... This country is losing sight of its people...
わたしの愛は変わらない ... この国は このわたしを心している ... この国の姿は このわたし ... 愛と心なる話を この国のすべてへ ... この国は 人を見失いつつある ... .

"Telepathy" is "telepathy"... We respect the courtesy of respecting others... There is a period of silence... We can hear the opinions of others... "Telepathy" communicates intentions....
The current meaningless anti-government people in Japan are blaming others for themselves... They speak out loud and take action... All of these are just requests that they themselves wish others would make... They comfort themselves by saying that others should be like this...
If the violation of human rights by pretending to be someone else affects national politics, the government will be ordered to pay up to 2000 trillion yen in national protection and security costs... National politics should be organized around the individual personality theory of social citizens....

The National Pension Fund, which provides all the necessary protection and guarantees, provides a monthly payment of 50,000 yen, but this amount is transferred to the administrative and consumable expenses of the reserve fund for the secretary of state... There is just too much of a disparity...
I am unable to understand the principles and intelligence of the people of Japan today who are being led to self-destruction through preconceived notions... They have set up the nation and society in relation to others, and regard themselves as the global world... They continue to portray themselves as wonderful people, symbolizing the nation... They regard the world as themselves... There is no such thing as a theory of personality...

I don't understand why the theory of social citizenship is used in national politics...There is no domestic structure for such relationships...Social citizenship is a theory of individual status that determines the laws for self-reliance, not a theory of national society...It is not worth embezzling profits from...
Chinese songs can be sung with piano accompaniment to create a global sound... and a fresh piano sound.
The world of "AEON" flows quietly... Everyone is wonderful and beautiful... You live in a royal society...

The current Japan Opposition Alliance has been plotting "deportation" from the beginning, and they have already refined their techniques to the point of "space explosion"... There is no stopping them...
In Miyakonojo City, Miyazaki Prefecture, there is the Kanbashira Jingu Shrine... This shrine is where the ideal woman is made the "highest shrine maiden"... "Sogetana Kanbashita"... The citizens of Miyakonojo always look for elegance in the patterns that reproduce the highly advanced principles of the royal palace...

We have to create "civilizations"... "Civil.lice-ations"...means bridges of civilizations....
わたし達は真実を前提にする地球生命体です ... .
We are Earth lifeforms that assume truth....

We must abide by the "Vienna Convention"...
Japan must be a country that matches our home country, China...
Love me too
Flexfapla's music review project is based on the theme of "gratitude"... Gratitude to all... We are currently developing a unique style of soccer to support the current Real Catholic... Together with all... Our team aims to play "pure and simple soccer with a focus on passing"...