わたし達の務めは すべてをこよなく愛すること
その始まりに あなたはいない
去り行く時を 憧れしあなたは
迷いし道に 愛はなく 心は枯れる
遠い道のりを 今歩く時 その愛は霞む
Our duty is to love everything
You weren't there at the beginning
You yearn for the time that is gone
Compare all thoughts
On the lost road, there is no love and the heart withers
As you walk the long road now, that love fades
from on Heavenly Emperor
Anxiety, this is the fundamental non-existence of society in general... Thoughts and affections, this is a heart-wrenching situation... The Emperor of Heaven is accused of the King... The Emperor of Heaven and Emperor was born, and there were three... Three of them were tragic men who felt the world...

Meaning of a word
When a woman sings about a man's feelings, it becomes a song that asks the world to consider the meaning of the words, and asks everyone to think about and teach us the meaning... "Lu Lu Kuai Heizui" expresses this sad emotion skillfully and poignantly, asking us deeply about our feelings... The singing voice is that of a Chinese woman, and teaches us the lesson of Asia...
This is a song of a fairly high level, and to understand the feelings, one must have served in many royal palaces... The Chinese Heavenly Emperor tells the Overlord that he has no desire for love... In other words, the Heavenly Emperor does not want to treat all events as love...
G-earth planets
01 First, we must start by learning what discriminatory dictatorship is... We must respect and honour the ideals and beliefs to which we pledge our loyalty... In order to lead all principles to essential universalism, 01 we must first understand and interpret, which is tolerance...

Since we are in space science, we will also consider the specific heat and mass... Currently, everything is fine, so there is nothing to worry about...
Madare & Marare @ Adele ...

In other words, the mass-volume theory is sound, so we ask that you transfer the principle in this state... Flexfapla will examine and verify the current situation with the essential mass-volume theory of the universe, which is the main quality, so it may be a theory that is difficult for everyone to get used to... Since Flexfapla activities are taking place in this environment, we ask that you please protect the living environment for life...
The 202 ... .
Even as we enter society, our nature of relying too much on others for education, such as early childhood education and after-school care, makes us seek entertainment even in learning... The basis of learning is "self-study" and not being taught by others... There are no social exams...

01 First, let's remember the word "conference"...There is no need to translate this...Many things are discussed in this "conference"...Let's remember it as the word "conference"....
The set logics ... .

02 Let's listen to music... Let's listen to the same music I'm listening to now... It's the music I'm introducing on this blog page... .
The peace set ... .

03 Do not chair a meeting....
The theme ... .
For the your DNA
The listen ... .