Social city-people line
In linguistics of sociology, we are currently starting to create an animated natural environment language... "The universe is understanding"... The "Flex" of these universes is the leading factor of this "animation science"....

You can't build socialism with anti-government ideology....
Some people are refusing to join the nation from the very premise... Their "reason" is unclear... They are rebelling without a reason, imitating the James Dean movie "Rebel Without a Cause"...
* We repeats write:
Your the sun is, special efforts on social village part life alls dates, the G-channel meetigns all, non-Oiran kates, you are the mother ... .
There are people who feel that this is treasonous and are thinking about anti-monopoly...all based on the premise that they are guilty...why do the people...especially those in rural areas...enjoy this "guilty orientation" and the national ideology that leads to innocence....

There is no way someone can be acquitted of high treason....
Even if you rebel against the royal family, you won't become a princess or a queen... You won't become a prince or a knight...

There are people who only think without using their brains... Everything is refuted... No consideration... It is cowardly to say only what you think without thinking...
The stories are different....
Kind business
I am a salesperson for Kind and I am sharing the kindness of my heart... This Flexfapla business is based on the personal philosophy of revitalizing rural areas, and I believe that it is for the good of all...

Web blog male
There is no one to make a web blog...
If you are interested in the business and you disrupt that business for profit, you will be penalized with a fine... Please refrain from approaching local business owners on the basis that you have been found guilty...

Musics creative
I am creating new music to resolve the current depression...
Those who destroy the public nature of things will continue to plot their own profit-making businesses and embezzle profits from businesses in other industries... Those who are forcibly implementing comparative communism will continue to destroy the region... All profit-making businesses will end up being meaningless business plans in today's society...

For the all
We continue to make efforts to gain your understanding...
There are no lawyers to support and assist the nearly powerless defendants in their convictions...
The universe is understanding
Even in school education and social education, we are now in an age where understanding comes first...