I once encountered a beam of light
我們要扛過 多少孤單晚上
才能將闌珊 也點亮
心跳在感應著 同樣頻率的蕩漾
手心握著雲朵 月亮
心跳在感應著 同樣頻率的蕩漾
手心握著雲朵 月亮
I once encountered a beam of light
In front
I fly on the wings of the wind
How many obstacles does life have to go through?
Only then can we grasp the direction of happiness
How many lonely nights do we have to endure?
Only then can the fading be illuminated
Everything grows wildly between day and night
We try to get closer to each other
My heartbeat is sensing the same frequency of ripples
Expect a collision at some point in the second
The hand of time pushes towards the heart little by little
Outline your appearance
I open my dream and tell you bit by bit
Happiness has a shape
I once encountered a beam of light
In front
I fly on the wings of the wind
Running towards you, fearless of the injuries I've suffered
Holding clouds and moon in my palm
I once encountered a beam of light
Your Light
I see faith in my palms
Blooming again because of your innocent smile
Thank you for being by my side
Everything grows wildly between day and night
We try to get closer to each other
My heartbeat is sensing the same frequency of ripples
Expect a collision at some point in the second
The hand of time pushes towards the heart little by little
Outline your appearance
I open my dream and tell you bit by bit
Happiness has a shape
I once encountered a beam of light
In front
I fly on the wings of the wind
Running towards you, fearless of the injuries I've suffered
Holding clouds and moon in my palm
I once encountered a beam of light
Your Light
I see faith in my palms
Blooming again because of your innocent smile
Thank you for being by my side
I once encountered a beam of light
わたしの前に広がる暗がりは 明るい月を穏やかに照り出す
一筋の愛を知り 一筋の涙を知り
わたしは これから その月へ向かう
我が愛は 空を焦がし 其が心は 時を照らし
一筋の愛を すべてで 守りに向かう
この時なるは 我が愛を慕う者たちの 愛の叫び 心の歌
我が友は 常に 強きにある 強くある ...
ゆえに わたしは そこへ向かう ...
In front of the door, the wide darkness is shining brightly under the steady moon.
Knowing the love of one muscle Knowing the tears of one muscle
I'm so happy, I'm so happy
My love is to burn in the air, and my heart is to shine in time.
I will keep my love for you.
At that time, I was the one who admired my love. The cry of love was the song of my heart.
My friends are always strong. They are always strong...
I'm so happy, so I'm so happy...
The transrate ... .
"Transrate" translates the song into the truth of English, which is a unique female psychology...English from Japanese and English from multiple languages...It seems to magnetically convert relative integers...A woman who understands the truth of a man, and in the English sentence there is "love that cares for the man"...Love from Japanese...Heart to English...This is exactly what "Transrate" is all about....
Cosmical Spacing Set
01_We all rise, the outbase ... the transrate.
02_AHAHA, all of wrong, all my loose ... the civil.lice-ation.
03_All my song, do you are ... the Science.
04_These force of all none, all todays done, we known all, you are loose ... .
loose of inner (eternal = 0 ) of equal is, lost inner of ( now = 0 ) on the yes, the done ... .
This is the lady Girl hearts force alls, the no-days life of means, the ' beam of lights '.
Before we can educate people, we must report this...Because there are citizens who slander other citizens of society...The level of thought for peace is being misappropriated to an extreme degree...It has reached a different dimension of integers that transcend harmony...It is impossible...It is theorizing about an entity that does not exist in this reality...The truth is not an entity...It does not exist...It is unjustly extorting the truth....
There are men with no experience of cross-dressing who are unfairly undergoing "gay training"... They are like "crazy old men"... They are unfairly bullying little girls....
Those who are unjustly intimidated by the constitution, calling "Waku" a "joke," are slandering all principles... They are frustrated by the compression... They are dissatisfied with the entrustment of power to the chairman...
We conclude that those who unjustly chair society are "cowardly"... They are aiming for the formation of sovereignty... and for political heavyweights who are at the core of the region...
There is no such thing as "profitable peace"... The premise of unjustly intimidating and oppressing Reiwa is unjust... The reality of non-royalty ideology... There is unjust oppression of Japan....
"Conference" also means the environment of life, and like in "Ghibli movies," a "Pegasus" is always waiting on this earth... Essence theory... It is a theory that protects and guarantees fairy tales based on principles through space science....
Kindness To You ... .

If you want to participate in "eN.e-world", you need to adhere to the "conference"... irregularities will be no fun....
In social reality, many people are called "His Majesty the Emperor"... Therefore, in reality, it is "love"... "carp" but "Emperor" is deliberately called "His Majesty"... Originally it is "carp"... The truth is "love"... It is deliberate....

Let's have a bright and fun time...
Apparently, "Space" is "Deliberate"...
It's fun because it includes music...
There are no regional policies that promote fairness and equality these days... Even if you hypocritically start political activities in your later years, it's already too late... You won't be supported... .
The "scheme to steal other families" known as "Nokkomi" has already been resolved by "Amitabha Buddha"... Destroying villages and towns... is the reason why he is called Amitabha Buddha... He lives with this sin... He has attained Buddhahood and become Amitabha Buddha... Please, everyone, respect, revere and love this Amitabha Buddha... Please work hard to never "steal other families"... .
"Purpose"... This is the "meaning"... .
There are people who do not understand the meaning of this to me... It is the "principle"... The "content" is the law of religion that respects and honors everything...