For you.!!
Relative dance for aespa
Ral courts
As there is a Japanese drum song by Kodo called "Chonrema", our universe is in a "relative" structure where ionization chains occur one after another...Those who are making a profit from "demonstration rights" need to have a certain "psychological contract"...

You can't make a mental contract with malice....
You must exercise your "right to remain silent" and carry out your "demonstration activities"....
"Howl" is a royal village, and a universe that continues to seek the meaning of its kingdom... It is also a "two-dimensional ideal" and everyone who is involved in our "dream space"... The "dream world" that appears when we sleep... These "two-dimensional fantasies" are "publicly evaluated" as "multiple magnetic space phase formation Howl"... It is a form of communication and reporting, and also a result that reflects the current psychology...

For you
Let's think about it with Howl... As he grows older and older, and as he grows older and begins to think about the city and society, he begins to have various ideas and dreams for creating an ideal hometown... A city without malice... This ideal is the philosophy of the kingdom... .
Flexfapla thinks about the things that prime ministers, mayors, and prefectural governors think about on a daily basis... It is not something that administrative officials think about... It is also a corporate law that CEOs and executive officers think about, and we seek a system that can benefit the present... It is a national government authority, and the limit of rights is limited to national government affairs...

For all
A city where boys and girls can live happily and safely... What should we adults and the elderly be like?... What should we be like to become everything?... What should we do about the structure of public service, not our own ideals?... The "royal" thoughts that are unique to the kingdom begin to appear... You can't be a young man or a girl forever... You can be a man, a woman, a father, a mother, and it is important to think of yourself as a child... What is important is the love and heart that thinks of your hometown... It's not that it doesn't matter...
The suspicious behavior of mentally disturbed citizens with low social intelligence who approach the Principle and repeatedly ask questions is a form of blackmail, a fraudulent profit-making activity, and an attempt to embezzle the Principle... an embezzlement of the women's principle... It also seems to be a plan to improve self-consciousness about women....
There is no such thing as socialism that ignores the human foundation of relative objects...There is no such thing as a kidnapping of a social man for the elderly hobby of performing childish errands in a girlish manner...There is no social man who desires an elderly man, and no one who can be a vassal of the Emperor...The Crown Prince does not have the Emperor or the Empress as his vassal....

It is impossible to think of the Royal Kingdom in any language other than English...
A man is a man... forever a man....

Nor can we limit our ideals to ancient times....
Like my balls... I have to overcome such things myself... I can't continue to be at a disadvantage forever... I have to escape from the disadvantage immediately and quickly... I have to always keep myself erect...

There is no such thing as a faculty for mentally abnormal students or a faculty for the mentally retarded that has been reorganized into a science education....
The above art, which has a good balance of color and placement, teaches us about the universal...impression....
Modelling - fasing -
The aespa of Savage + Next Level + Black Mamba ... of english & kingdom @ regacy ... .
The woman recommended by "Howl" is... a person who is well versed in society... and is also evaluated as having the ability to standardize phase... "Standard ability"... She is skilled in close-quarters combat for close combat and has been trained in contact techniques... She is also a soldier and has received military training....