Floral G-earth planets.!!



Politics and administration are based on the principle of elevating others... I graduated from the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Tokai University, so I have to elevate another school, Ritsumeikan... Education cannot be based on principles of insider trading...

The Ritsumeikan spirit, beginning with the elementary school, is to lead the way... Ritsumeikan will never fall behind others. It is the Ritsumei principle of leading the way one after another, and it is also the science and technology that cultivates life and the soul...

Cognitive Sense

A question was sent from "Blue Space Elementary School"... These people wondered "what is this?"... .

In rural areas, elementary school sports days are adopted as a local project that brings together local residents, and there is a style in which local people participate in these school events together with the children and cheer them on... It is something that can be done because there are only a few people...


The ideological, thought-form, and character traits of the social citizen form are the compound personality formation that theoretically organizes the brain and body, and imagine and construct the theoretical concept of a republican society that benefits individual freedom... This is also the final conclusion of the era in the modern era where people can freely complete their studies, and a self-study plan based on the qualities of the individual...

Citizenship and social skills development

In the living conditions where citizens of society use personal computers to form blogs on the Internet World Wide Web, the illegal intervention of civil principles, which theorizes repeated voice inspection visas from the Internet or directly from outside, aims to misappropriate the unique qualities and forms of citizens of society, and continues to demand that they become insiders and transfer social authority to themselves... These are clearly plans to misappropriate qualities that infringe on the individual rights of individuals, which are the freedom of individuals, and continue to put pressure on the quality and human resource plans not only of national society but also of the earth and the universe... The cumulative damage from these efforts is estimated to be 8k, or 8 quadrillion, and will continue to cause enormous damage...


The social reconciliation policy called Citizenship is a comparative "Shincho-style peace paperback" that focuses on love between men and women, and a comparative social PR system that creates a novelistic ethical society paperback that uses adultery and immorality as social symbols to discuss ethics... These are literary economic plans in society, and no debates are actually held in the judiciary or parliament to verify whether these truths are true... Parliament is a democratic institution that accepts the law, and is not a social court system that judicially oppresses citizens...

Planning for the safety of citizens is the first priority of liberal democracy, and is the political ideology for defeating hardline communism in comparative communism....

It is necessary for local police, local assemblies, and local residents' associations to protect specific individual citizen property, and the current Japanese Self-Defense Forces provide a comparative democratic defense system in which citizens can live in peace.... In an exclusively defensive defense system, citizens must flee overseas in times of war....

Community Guide line

Through personal economic efforts, Flexfapla is applying the theory of comparative defense economically, with the economic purpose of comparative family registry registration in Montana, USA...

Neoliberalism and Freedom Ridge are also New Americanism, and are economically developing a world system that accepts refugees from the comparative world economy... They are also accepting people's escape from oppression due to the excessive personal qualities of the global world, and the world is authorized to maintain global peace in the world system that accepts Arafat, even including the federal system of major Arab countries such as Palestine, based on the original draft of the US public hearing that heads the global world economy... Arrar fato, or "New Planetism," has already jointly declared in the United Nations Congress that "We are the peace-loving human race of the earth"...

The bullying doesn't go away

Once you learn arrogance, it is impossible to get rid of it. You will have to live with it forever.

Concept down

The perversion of not giving up as a virtue continues to lead us to perceive giving up as defeat...

We, the citizens of society, can never accept as equal citizens those who refuse to give up on change... We must live separately...

Peace hole

The perverted nature of making jokes about peace and misfortune and bullying the weak is a social trait that regards its violence as a right and authority, and it will not stop fooling around....

The abnormal insanity that sees Wa-yaku as the original human continues to abandon and discard everything about itself, and begins to practice discriminatory dictatorship that exploits others for profit... Pretending to be a princess... The pervert who wants to be a princess continues to exploit perversion for profit... Trying so hard, so hard that he sweats from the tip of his nose, he continues to exploit perversion for profit... He is also a comparative democratic defender who confronts malice alone, and tries hard to protect himself... .

We must leave this girl alone and become men who protect her from the outside. We must continue to make a psychological contract that we will protect you from the outside forever, and that we will never betray you... .

Your rights ball out

The national leader's plan to make himself a great political leader will continue to discriminate and dictate all of his ideas, and he will not even be able to eat, and will be compared to Buddhism....

There is a way to reign as a leading figure in the political world... by becoming the chairman of a support group...


Education is difficult, and only the head teacher can give guidance and instructions...

Setting doctrine...There are people who feel comfortable with comparative socialism by constructing and manipulating the premise, essence, principle, situation, and all other environments...Old village management...The old, outdated ideology continues to call society "Tenka"...The so-called "war of warlords" and socialism are ideologically called "country-stealing"...This is "Oda Nobunaga"...