Brain language.!!


Trance Bass

The "Trance Bass" I'm currently using in GarageBand... I'm using "Sine Bass" in the generator... This is truly the "Brain language"... "Sine of Trance"... "Tone of pig ballancive"... the everyday conversation language of pigs...


In human society, there is no such thing as a conversation between the brain and the body... It is a phonetic linguistic phenomenon theory of speech that is properly spoken with the mouth...

The ionized membrane mesh wire of the AC circuit system that causes the human brain, body, and language to self-ionize and connect to the brain and body of the pig-type human being is similar to the "heartbeat" that turns AC into DC... The pig-type people are a linked group system of this heartbeat system, and they secure the elements that allow individuals to be independent... Humans who use too much manipulation are unable to establish themselves as individuals...


The speak this instructional purposely do such a foolish to ask someone to give you that instruction...If this is a "joint policy" for that purpose...the mastermind is the one giving the instruction, and you fools are "accomplices"...You are not the "master" and there is no way that you will be recorded or remembered in the magnetic field....

Words kindgom of country

There is no parliament for the kingdom....

"Wayaku Village" is a village where "traitorous men and women" gather, with betrayal as its central theme... A female police officer in charge of public order becomes the "princess"...

Table manner

The King and the Pope will speak with smiles and enthusiasm to those who represent the people.... The soldiers of the expeditionary peacekeeping forces will listen to this and promise to maintain peace....

This is a decoy... There is no such village in reality...

Music song

Currently, the style of singing "melody" with chord progressions is "mainstream"... The music that Flexfapla aspires to is aimed at singing with free accompaniment, and if you can vocalize a melody that matches this instrumental music, you can write lyrics and make it into a song... It's up to each of you, and we would be honored if we could be of any help to you...


The act of misappropriating the principle for profit comes from a denial of the collectivism that stems from a rejection of the principle itself... A tribe that tries to misappropriate a collectivist settlement for profit will be attacked by all... The formation of the Wa-yaku village, which is based on betrayal, is a decoy....

You can't get the Lord through high treason or antitrust law...nor will it ever be established...Many people are already well aware of this...There are also people who are experts in the legal profession...Trust in the principles of these people is the principle that will allow us to open the settlement....


You can't become a king by betrayal...

In the absence of the probability of "maybe," there is no theoretical basis that can support probability...There is no way that a principle that does not exist in probability can be essentially supported...


You can't win a lord through combat-based violence...

Those who can understand are excellent people, and it is foolish to self-govern principles that one cannot understand... In society and in school, citizens who can understand are excellent citizens....


Without trust, there is no way for us to have social interactions... We will continue to be social phenomena that are absent...

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