Best Friend


編曲 : 曾吳秋傑

製作人 : 曾吳秋傑





































沒人不羨慕的關係 只是沒結局的續集


觸不到的戀人 化身摯友也像搪塞



混音 : 周星宇

和聲 : 熊

Arranger: Tseng Wu Qiujie

Producer: Tseng Wu Qiujie

I want to be a star but I look like a street lamp

If you love someone, don't love too deeply

Don't take the messages sent after drinking seriously

I always act on my emotions

I forget that it's impossible

I also wronged you to tolerate it for a long time

But between us

What should we call each other

Do you have to love someone else

You can feel at ease

Removed the responsibility

The relationship we don't discuss

It's very close but not love

It's a pity to abandon it when we have countless intersections

My hate is really insincere

You know what kind of person I am best

A relationship that no one doesn't envy

It's just a sequel without an ending

Why is being too familiar instead of being distant Away

The unreachable lover who turned into a close friend also seemed to be prevaricating

You knew I would not wait but let me wait

The person you treated with all your heart

Followed me one by one

Tell me not to worry

In fact, I really don't want to ask one by one

From now on, it is my responsibility to keep silent

The relationship we don't talk about is very subtle but not love

Allowing this kind of maintenance is because I am not competitive enough

How stupid it is to ask again and again

I also know what kind of person you are

What can you do if you are so upset

The last thing I should do is to make you trapped

The relationship we don't discuss is very close but not love

A relationship that no one is not jealous of It's just a sequel without an ending

Why is being too familiar a distance

The lover who can't be touched seems to be an excuse even if he turns into a close friend

You know I won't wait

But you let me wait

Mixer: Zhou Xingyu

Harmony: Xiong

Best Friend

女でいることの罪を 男でいることの愛を

神は 神でいる ... 

二人の愛を心する子なる方は どこに愛を捨てるのだろう

そこにある時を敬い すべてを慈しむ時

その愛は 心に変わる

Let me wait すべてを捨て去るには まだ早すぎる ... 

The sin of being a woman, the love of being a man

God is God...

Where will the child who cares for the love between two people abandon their love?

When we respect the time that is there and cherish everything,

That love will change into our hearts.

Let me wait, it's too early to throw everything away...

Best Friend Set

わが子らの愛を 優しく受け止められる今 

このわたくしには それを憧るる

ささやく愛を 傷つかなき愛を

わたしは 知らない

Now that 

I can tenderly accept the love of my children, 

I long for it; 

I don't know of a whispered love, 

a love that doesn't hurt.

...  A.rar  ...  

Guruma Wawon

その恥辱を勇気へと 命が病むことはない

その幸運を王妃へと 時が縮むことはない

すべては 支え合い 生きている 

わたし達も その友にある 

今で 終わりではない

夜で 理わりではない

心する庭に 花は咲く ... 

Turn that shame into courage and life will never become sick. Turn that good fortune into a queen and time will never shrink. All live by supporting each other. We are also friends. Now is not the end. Night is not reason. Flowers bloom in the garden of the heart...


Humans are not "Kappa tribe"... "Kappa tribe" are "weak ape race that cannot become human..."... They are called "kappa"....

There is no need to make yourself stronger and braver than Allah and his gods....


It is foolish to introduce yourself with a smile on your face as someone with such high fighting ability that you "change your position"... Love me to... When you introduce yourself to society, the cowardice that spreads that word to society will forever define you as a courageous hero... The cowardice that uses the fighting ability of others to make investment statements about yourself will define your own stock price as strong... There is no such thing as a "human market"...

There is no point in carrying out various operations based on assumptions and suppositions and advertising yourself as the strongest... You can never ask for help... It is impossible and unreasonable to use violence to force rescue...

Hajeek Guruma Logics

Haziq in "Holy War"... The battle is not over...


Exercising "exclusively defensive defense" is "war"... It is dangerous to make society exclusively defensive with beggar-like rhetoric....

There is no point in "waging war against freedom"...There is no need to use violence or verbal abuse against others to exercise freedom...The freedom to be naked and walk down the street is freedom, it is permissible to do it once, and you will not be arrested...


If you refuse to accept the set rules, you are obligated to leave... The disclosure of social regulations is an introduction of rules that will realize a peaceful society, and is a prerequisite and assumption... It is not something that social citizens can define....

Demanding submission is "violence"...


"Feeling embarrassed" is... when you are unaware of your ignorance or incompetence, and when you realize this... when you have knowledge... when you have attained intelligence... when learning becomes joyful....

The law that states "you do not understand the language" is "unconstitutional"...


I represent the "species race"... This complete victory will guarantee the submission of us "species race"... Please, please, live with us for a long time... I am truly grateful and thankful for this "life"... I will forever obey all of you, the human race... .

わたしは「類人系」を代表しています ... この完全勝利は わたくし達「類人系の服従」を原理致します ... どうかどうぞ 末長く このわたくし共と共にお暮らし下さい ... 心から感謝申し上げ この「生」に謝意を申し上げます ... 人類なる皆様方に 永久に お従い申し上げます ... .