
Sea cue vase
天と地との時空を超軸する時刻系普遍理論は Any なる mate を理想と友人する ... the aucius.
The universal theory of time system that super-axis the space-time of heaven and earth makes Any mate its ideal friend... the aucius.

The realization of socially sustainable living in Soosueyoshi, Kagoshima Prefecture, is expected to be realized through "Aucius, whose father is the sun"...
Nowadays, there is "Tsukimatoi stork" and we can judge that "understanding is the total number"... that is, "agreement"... the reality of the total number of agreements....
Those of you who lack the principle of loneliness, "lone," will make science based on collective integers... the total number of sciences impossible...

Animative ronle of study solutions
"Catch" in baseball is "logic"...Theory is "catch ball"...The principle is "meet"...There are many stories about mitto...mittos are the origin of baseball....
The current state of Japan still has problems with political methodology...

Vase ronle
「論理」で物事を捉えます ... 「生花をする」は「原理」です ... 「大奥をする」なる理解が「論理」となります ... .
We grasp things through "logic"... "Flower arrangement" is a "principle"... The understanding of "arranging the Ooku" is "logic"....
Violating the constitution is out of the question...
Please, Not, the ' un-show ' ... .
Please, Not, the ' show-G ' ... .

Center core
Thinking heads
Batting is a thing, and you think about it all the way to the final number 3, then place this number 3 on the number 1, and think about things in terms of the logic of numbers 1 and 3...

Banting of level force
There are people who cannot get into my baseball... They are people who are looking for their own baseball, but they are also contradictory people who are hypocritical... . . . It is cowardly to profit from this contradiction... You will have to throw away everything, even your life and baseball... .

Time run
Time duke
It is a tragedy caused by the lack of political and administrative theory... It doesn't work... It's because they are applying the theory of nursing and welfare science... When it works, it will be a heavenly death... Therefore, they are warned and instructed....
One day
必ず あなたを愛していると 伝えること One day ... .