


Those who cannot define themselves as social citizens and who are the object of socialization, socialize the principle of making their own events happy, and continue to hope for happiness in their own destruction and self-destruction... Those who do not understand and interpret this meaningless principle as their own, continue to plan their lives and ideals for humanity based on this profit-and-loss socialism... Those who ignore the principle, lacking in intelligence and knowledge, believe in the democratic belief that social life is difficult, and continue to demand that others compensate for their profits and losses... We continue to call compressed socialism "Apatz"...



Es imposible suponer que los ciudadanos modernos sean incapaces de republicanismo... No hay ser humano en la Tierra que no entienda la paz... Hemos sufrido tantas guerras, que es imposible que no podamos reconocer la paz que finalmente hemos logrado...

It is impossible to suppose that modern citizens are incapable of republicanism... There is no human being on Earth who does not understand peace... We have suffered so many wars, that it is impossible that we cannot fail to recognize the peace we have finally achieved...


It is unimaginable that there are still Diet members and parliament members who are ignorant of economics... It is impossible for social citizens to actually create an economy... Social citizens are a "design plan" within the current economic system, and it is impossible to actually establish a huge, huge ideological economy... Flexfapla describes its theories based on its own beliefs, and it will take a very long time for this to actually become a reality... It is not an economy that will be completed and operational within the year or this month... The economy flows within the nation... In Japan, it depends on the self-knowledge of the "Prime Minister"...


There is no pre-existing environment in which a citizen of society can be defined as a "national affair"... Therefore, there is no democracy in which national duties can be entrusted... There is no way that a private statement, which is not even a personal statement, can be theoretically converted into a national affairs broadcast...

Those of you who are unable to even view the "Web Blog" operated by Flexfapla are not even interested in the relative integers of the text... You are clearly managing and operating relative integers that are not yourselves to yourself... This is clearly different from art....


Words that do not exist in Japanese, and even more so when spoken in the local Kagoshima dialect, are a regional function that evaluates the economic value of ideas and is also an evaluation of local human resources... For example, it is impossible to speak words that are spoken in China in Japan... The difference in social systems is clear, and content that exists as Japanese language continues to be adopted... The impression of abstractions that read aloud a description and smile with a pleasant smile is rejected...

There is no society that values ​​"copy-and-paste administration"...

Relative integral theory

At this point, it is clear that Flexfapla is the greatest brain in the world...

Planets system

Planetary Government 


The current Japanese state, which exchanges power and rights, is lacking in ideology...Therefore, there are many people who lack religious qualities, and there is no theory of responsibility...To respect and honour ideals, beliefs and loyalty, one must have knowledge and intelligence...The current Japanese state, which exchanges opinions without this responsibility, needs the creation of a State Council...It does not possess "ideological differences"...It is a mistake to think that everyone is the same and to evaluate human value by the state...This is the current situation in which topological discrimination and dictatorship, which says "everyone thinks and decides together," is rampant...It is dangerous to leave the current situation, which deviates from common sense....


Pacific Circumsatellite Theory


No more talking... Apat... We citizens must use our silence, which is our "right to remain silent"...


The Imperial Palace


It is clear that the current Japanese government's national burden rate is only 10%, and a national palace should be established immediately to make up for the missing 90% national burden rate... It is impossible to centrally manage global standards at the prefectural level... A "Japanese Imperial Palace" that can be shared with the world should be established as soon as possible....

Personal interests

Society or other people cannot grant rights and authority to the personal interests of citizens... What cannot be done or is impossible... The current Japan Opposition Alliance is unable to understand and interpret these things... The personal equity capital of citizens... It is impossible to transfer these to public welfare... It is impossible to entrust the creation of events to those involved in welfare...