Animative flex dure.!!



It's already in Japan and the US...

It is not worth intervening in principle in the present that has already happened...If you can't win, you lose...Freedom Ridge...Go home...Please return home quickly...


The Great Celts....

There is no point in plotting revenge against the great Celts... This story is about Chellt... Chellsy of Chellts... I cannot take any pleasure in the false agent who is commercializing the education of Prince Fapura... The national bond is not made with counterfeit notes from such a mother...

The profit-making ideology that continues to destroy liberalism has even profited from communism, and continues to teach and teach social ethics that eradicate ethics from collective structures... It is also an illegal ideology that makes the retail economy under the rationing system profitable, and profits away from social ethics...

We can never appeal to social ethics for that malice...

I must explain the Freedom Ridge of individual rights that does not currently exist in Japan... In order to defend liberalism, we must build a republican society where individual freedom is guaranteed....

If you spy on other people's brain ratio principles without any qualms, you will be sentenced to death by shooting them in the back of the head in Communist China... At this level, the global society is a communist society that protects and guarantees the human rights of individuals, and a liberal society is being built on this foundation....

In the event of an infringement of personal freedom, 20 million yen in damages will be claimed... Regarding the management of these personal assets, the current national society has already adopted an indirect democratic system with three liberal items as the national lifeline: public assistance, pension system, and welfare for the disabled, and the National Diet, prefectural assemblies, and city, town, and village assemblies have already been established... These 20 million yen in damages have already been budgeted as assembly operating expenses, and the people have already sworn to a liberal republic that will protect and guarantee the assemblies...

20 million yen personal rights protection guarantee

I continue to demand this Freedom Ridge defense bond... I already have assets worth 8 quadrillion trillion yen in accumulated profits and losses, which exceeds this amount, and I am determined to appeal for the establishment of individual rights to protect and guarantee individual freedom, with the aim of building a healthy free society... The fraudulent act of arguing on their behalf is an act of providing damages to individuals that exceed the 20 million yen of personal free assets, and they are people who continue to appeal for the abolition of public assistance, pension systems, and welfare for the disabled... The act of interfering with principles that destroys individual freedom is self-centeredness that profits itself... It is an incredible malice that does not recognize the profits of individuals at all... They are people who profit from others, and are socially destructive people who embezzle all of a person's assets for profit...

Language words

Royalism, which believes that education must begin with language words, is also made up of royalist populists who aim to build a royal palace and continue to hold onto the idea of ​​founding a nation... They are people who are passionate about establishing a nation, and are fundamental communists who have defined their lives as building a nation... They create themselves into heroes... These fundamental communists continue to seek to enter a royal palace, a care facility where they will be dependent on others for all of their learning and education...

The ruthless politics that vehemently rejects individual liberalism, turns comparative fundamentalism that banishes others into hardline communism, and the ideology and philosophy of self-contained communism that does not accept the atrocities of others... It is the commercial reality of comparative hardline communism that shifts one's own guilt onto others, and you are all people who define all guilt as fear....

The welfare and care system provides a fair and equal diet for everyone... Furthermore, even work hours and service hours are strictly defined, and communism sets up a communal life in which people abide by rules of life... You are also hardline communists who assume that the freedom of others is for the sake of the community, and shift the responsibility for all atrocities onto others. They continue to be married off....

The malice that profits from the fairness and equality of living together and communally continues to presuppose and define their own existence as goodwill, and assumes and recognizes that all others are evil...

They are also people who assume that they are at fault because of the cruelty of others, and are criminally held responsible for the malice that formed their own goodwill, and are subject to civil lawsuits against others for it, making them the fundamental socialist of cruelty...

They are in the position of being in the wrong, and are told that it is their fault, and are supported by those around them, and are communists, an evil philosophy that makes social community the center of self and ideology...

They are people who assume that social evil is a given, and even the state itself continues to be determined to be evil....

Understanding set

In order to prevent the worst possible sinking of Japan, we must build "Imperial Palaces" all over the country, where sins are recognized and exchanged for goodwill... The idea of ​​defining sins as goodwill will forever define religion as the "Imperial Palace"... Sex and money are our instincts... Even this Flexfapra takes Guilin, which regards the Imperial Palace as its deity, as its ideal and desire, and continues to define the sins of sex and money as its own instincts... Therefore, we must be good people who do goodwill... Even Guilin recognizes the sins of sex and money as its own instincts, and must continue to regard these sins as the deity and imperial religion that gives it life... Original purity will continue to define even the sex and money of humanity as immorality and sin... Therefore, we will continue to aim to become space aliens who fight against this contradiction... We have no intention of maintaining a weak human race that takes its own lives forever... We will continue to aim for eternal life... .

It is still 2025 AD, and we humans on Earth are not aliens from outer space... Therefore, we must continue to learn this strong mental strength in animation... The Flex universe is an animated, self-sustaining universe... Therefore, it is wise, intelligent, powerful, and continues to introduce secret methods that will give us, the weak humans on Earth, a strong mentality... It necessitates virtual integers... We must accept fiction as reality... The Royal Palace does not place responsibility or blame on others...

Among friends

The current hardline communists in Japan are practicing torture-style comparative communism, sacrificing their own people one after another.... They are a terrible communism and a cruel idea of ​​communal living.... . . . Selling out your fellow citizens is an eternal civil outrage and you will never win a lawsuit....


The economy does not define a nation... it is the United Nations World Organization that defines a nation....

Unfortunately, the reality of Japan is shocking, and when the country is decided by parliament, discriminatory and dictatorial ideas are rampant... The highest ranking in the UN Special is Silent, and I am currently residing in Japan... .

The UN organization is the Global World Insurance Organization, which is responsible for domestic affairs... It establishes non-life insurance companies and the World Bank, all of which are privately funded by employees... .

Apart from this, the Secretary-General of the UN acts as the public face of the parliament... It is merely a parliament, and cannot be the internal decision-making body of the UN organization... It is a global organization in which it will never be possible for the parliament to hold sovereignty... .


There is no one to take responsibility for the country... For the sake of the ignorant public, the language chosen by the national administration is... somewhat rough... This is what has been concluded...

There is no national position that can provide guidance in this regard...

There are still people in this country of Japan who are ignorant of the liberal economy, and who have rebellious ideas and freely ask questions and make heckling comments at conferences in the form of a parliament... These people are ordinary members of society and are also inexperienced, and this incompetence does not represent the standard for the current Japanese nation or the current human race of the Earth... The standard is arranged by military defense organizations... At this stage, we have achieved the first Peace Coming in the universe, and have succeeded in establishing a worldview that the universe has yet to experience. Therefore, we are a human race that will forever love peace, and are not cruel living organisms that invade and plunder other countries and other universe societies... We will forever respect, cherish, and learn from everyone in the universe society...

Imperial Palace

What is truly valuable? The Imperial Palace is a facility that expresses this philosophy and psychology, and many beautiful and wonderful things are introduced there. Is this truth really true? We must continue to pursue this truth forever.

There are many types of palaces, and there are even palaces that are hidden away... The name of the house that is built is called a palace, and the area of ​​its grounds is called a palace... .

We have not yet been able to create a true palace... .

These are psychological issues in the topological dimensional ratio, and warriors and fighters based on military defense build and protect these... When a turbulent royal society emerges, these world-wide palaces will be required... .

Planet Governunce

In today's Japan, "individual freedom rights" are being seriously violated, and democracy is being replaced with nationalism... The establishment of individual rights is an urgent task in national politics and administration...

We are great warriors and fighters... We will resolutely and forever launch an ideological struggle against all discriminatory dictatorships... This path is universal and eternal... Please, please protect the assets and capital of our people... Please, please protect the qualities and funds of our citizens... Please, please, we ask from the bottom of our hearts... .  (the kingdom)