After running.!!


After I run

"After I run" is about me... it's about telling you all about myself....

Talking & Smiling

Talking is talking about yourself and smiling is thinking about the listener...talking about others and not thinking about yourself....

Leftism, the left hand, is about being polite and respectful towards others and continues to place oneself below others....


Flexfapla has been running a social enterprise consistently... We have not yet received any sponsorship from the government or sponsored businesses...


The matter of reforming the social administration and finances of the state is decided in advance by the person or persons who will make the reforms... It is not a matter of jointly implementing the flexfapla project....

The mimi  ...  the Greats Englands pub biliyards Game alls, and the ' watch '  ...  .  


We do not expect that there is anyone in Japan today who can handle the general management of the market...

The paleolitic periods  ...  .  


The jijira is Godzillas  ...  .  










Reverb  - Roman Empelar -

The reason why we are so exhausted today is the playfulness of old men... Old people who play are considered young people... My own affairs have somehow become the law of the land... The theory of individual liberalism is now considered the theory of national society in Japan... This means ignorance and incompetence of the nature of the theory... The theory is underestimated and the strength of the theory is ignored...

Even the military defense of the Self-Defense Forces, and even current university educational institutions, are ignorant of the nature of theory...they do not hold this view of the archipelago themselves...Even in papers, they commit fraud without any knowledge of the paper...They are ignorant and incompetent of the nature of the theory itself...

この悲哀に現日本国の国民はあります ... .